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Where Do Possums Go During The Daytime?

Where Do Possums Go During The Daytime?

By Mildred T Koerner on May 16, 2023

Possums are a common sight for many people, especially in suburban areas.

These nocturnal creatures are known to scavenge through trash cans and gardens at night, but where do they go during the daytime?

It's not uncommon for people to wonder about their whereabouts when they don't see them around.

The truth is that possums have adapted well to human environments and can be found hiding in all sorts of places during the day.

From garages and sheds to attics and even under decks, these resourceful animals will find a place to rest until it's time for their next nighttime adventure.

In this article, we'll explore some of the most common hideouts possums use during the day and what you can do if you encounter one on your property.

So let's get started!

Hiding In Trees

Possums are fascinating creatures that have a unique way of hiding during the daytime.

These nocturnal animals sleep during the day and come out at night to forage for food.

They prefer to hide in trees, which offer them protection from predators.

Opossums can climb trees with ease due to their sharp claws and prehensile tails.

They often seek refuge in tree hollows or other crevices where they feel safe from harm.

This is why you might spot an opossum peeking out of a tree trunk or nestled inside a cozy nook during the daytime.

It's important to note that while possums may look cute, they should not be approached as they can become aggressive if provoked.

In the next section, we'll explore another popular hiding spot for these elusive creatures - burrowing underground.

Burrowing Underground

Possums are fascinating creatures that have mastered the art of adaptability.

During the daytime, when they need to rest and avoid predators, possums burrow underground. This is where they feel safest and most comfortable.

Burrowing underground provides possums with a natural shelter from any potential danger during the day.

Their sharp claws make it easy for them to dig deep enough into the soil to create a cozy den that shields them from harm's way.

They also use these dens as places to give birth and raise their young until they're old enough to venture outside on their own.

The ability to burrow not only keeps possums safe but also helps maintain their body temperature while sleeping or resting in colder temperatures.

Possums' remarkable survival instincts have allowed them to thrive in various environments worldwide by using simple yet effective methods such as burrowing underground for safety.

When nighttime falls, possums will emerge from their dens seeking food and adventure, but during the daytime, you'll find them tucked away safely underground.

Now that we know how these animals stay protected during daylight hours let's explore another method they use for protection: seeking shelter in dens.

Seeking Shelter In Dens

As we learned in the previous section, possums have a tendency to burrow underground when seeking shelter.

This is especially true during the daytime when they are known to sleep for hours on end.

However, there are other denning sites that possums will use as well. One of these sites includes natural cavities such as tree hollows or rock crevices.

Possums can often be found curled up inside these cozy spaces, protected from predators and the elements.

Additionally, man-made structures such as attics or garages also serve as suitable shelters for possums during the day.

These structures provide warmth and protection, making them an attractive option for these nocturnal creatures.

By exploring their environment and utilizing various denning sites, possums ensure their safety and survival even during daylight hours.

Exploring Their Environment

During the daytime, possums tend to sleep and rest in their nests or shelters.

Possums are primarily nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active during the night-time hours.

They have adapted to this lifestyle by finding safe places to retreat during the day.

Possums can make their homes in a variety of locations such as tree hollows, rock crevices, and even attics.

These areas provide them with a secure place to rest away from predators and potential dangers.

Additionally, possums will often use their tails as an extra layer of protection while sleeping by wrapping them around themselves like a blanket.

Therefore, if you happen upon a possum during the day, do not disturb it - it is likely just catching up on some much-needed rest before its nighttime adventures begin once again!

As we've learned about where possums go during the daytime let's now explore what they do when they're ready for some sunbathing and resting.

Sunbathing And Resting

During the daytime, possums typically take long naps in their nests.

They are nocturnal creatures that sleep during the day to conserve energy for when they need it most at night.

Possums prefer nesting in arboreal areas such as trees or high bushes.

However, on occasion, you might spot a possum sunbathing during the day.

This is because they require sunlight to convert vitamin D into its active form so that their bodies can use it properly.

So if you see a possum stretched out basking in the sun, don't be alarmed!

It's just getting some much-needed rest and making sure its body gets all of the nutrients it needs to thrive.


So, where do possums go during the daytime?

The truth is, these nocturnal creatures have a variety of hiding spots and methods to stay safe from predators and the harsh sun.

From climbing trees and burrowing underground to seeking shelter in dens or exploring their environment for new hideouts.

But here's a little secret: sometimes they even like to take a break and soak up some rays while resting on tree branches.

Who knew possums were such sun-worshippers?

One thing's for sure - these elusive animals are experts at staying hidden and keeping us guessing about their whereabouts.

So next time you're strolling through your backyard, keep an eye out for any signs of these sneaky critters - who knows where they might be lurking!



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